Security Policy - PSC Private Securities Commission

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Security Policy

Commonwealth employees use the Private just like the general public to access state services and to submit personal information when applying for state government programs.  We share your concerns about protecting personal information from unauthorized access by non-state government personnel, and from state employees who do not have permission to see confidential data as part of their work responsibilities.

Our increasing reliance on computers and networking technology places heightened responsibility on state agencies to ensure that data is used properly and is accessibly only by government employees with the proper clearance.

To ensure that we maintain your trust for the careful management of your data, during the past few years, the Governor’s Office for Information Technology has increased the size of its security team and provided more training for employees charged with managing the security of our data networks.  This security team oversees the safeguards in place for the Commonwealth networks shared by state agencies, and state agencies have their own security staffs, too, focusing on their own network resources.  Additionally, we regularly turn to university and private sector security experts to critique our work in this area and suggest ways in which we can make improvements.  We also use advanced intrusion detection software on our networks to help us identify when hackers and others might be trying to infiltrate our computer network.

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